For Hairstylists, Stylists And Makeup Artists

For our Style Help we constantly look for hairstylists, stylists, makeup artists and other fashion and beauty experts.

What is our Style Help?

Through our Style Help members of the Stylebetsy community can individually ask for personal advice for a new hairstyle, makeup or an entirely new look. We show incoming questions to hairstylists, stylists, makeup artists and other fashion or beauty experts and ask for their answers, which we then publish in combination with the questions to allow others to learn from them, too.

Why you should join:

  • it is fun to help others
  • you will be named besides your answer and also get a link
  • you reach your target audience, gain new followers and clients

How you can participate:

Just send us a message below, so that we can reach you when a relevant question arrives. In case you like to answer it, you can submit your answer conveniently on our website. Of course, you can inform us anytime that you don't want to participate anymore in future.

Are you interested?

You would like to join? Then now please leave us a short message here:

I'm a .. (please mark all that apply)



 Makeup Artist

 Fashion Expert

 Beauty Expert

My Name:

My Message:

My Link: (here you can paste a link e.g. to your website or Instagram – in your answers we will link your name to the URL you give here)

My Email Address: (will not be published and used only by us for possible inquiries and to send you a relevant Style Help question – needless to say that you can inform us anytime that you don't want to receive questions anymore in future)