Submit Outfit Tip

Please submit your outfit tips here – sorted by style, body type or age. We include your recommendations together with those of others into articles, which we periodically publish on our website and promote on our social media channels.

Why you should participate:

  • .. it is fun to help others with your outfit tips
  • .. you learn yourself (from other participant's suggestions)
  • .. you reach your target audience and get new visitors and followers, as we name and link to you

How it works:

Step 1:
Submit your outfit tip below, please.

Step 2:
In the mentioned article which includes your recommendation, besides it we name you along with your photo and also link to you.

Step 3:
We publish the article on our website and promote it also on our social media channels.

Following rules apply:

  • Your recommendation has to be neutral and honest – hence you must not receive any money or other benefits (product samples or the like) in any form from the manufacturer, designer, brand or seller of a piece which is part of the recommended outfit nor the person / company you link to. Furthermore, any recommendation submitted here, must not be an offered or promised added benefit to one of your advertisers.
  • You must not receive money or benefits in any form from the manufacturer, designer, brand or seller of any piece which is part of the recommended outfit within the 4 months prior and at the time of your recommendation you cannot have aggreed upon a future promotion, either.
  • You cannot recommend your own outfits, of course, and your recommendation is not entitled to consideration.

Please now submit your outfit tip here:

Outfit Type (please select what fits best, as we sort the outfits accordingly):

Outfit Link (please link to the Instagram post that shows the recommended outfit – not just to the Instagram account, but the concrete post. The photo of that post must show the complete outfit from head to toe and not just single pieces or parts of it):

Outfit Description (please go into why you recommend it, what makes it special, why you especially like it and for which occasions it may be adequate): – at least 200, maximally 1.500 characters

My Name (the name that we should publish next to your recommendation – you can give your full name, only your prename, or a combination like your name together with your blog's name, e.g. "Mary from"):

My Link (link to your website or one of your social media presences – we'll link your name to that link):

My Email (won't be published and used only by us for possible queries and to inform you when we publish your tip):

My Photo (please upload a picture of you here, as .jpg or .png):

I allow Stylebetsy to use my text and uploaded picture on its websites and social media presences (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat etc.) as well as in videos (to be published in any of the mentioned places). I assure the text and uploaded picture are from myself or otherwise I have explicit consent from their originator/s to grant Stylebetsy the mentioned use.

 Please mark checkbox for approval.